Art Valley is a unique organisation that hosts projects and international forums for the promotion of specific cultural and geo-political initiatives.Its principal activity is to organise ʻexchange-platformsʼ and publish material on contemporary themes (intelligent technologies, new design and materials, new business sectors), with the aim of promoting fertile crossover exchanges.Art Valley has also launched important initiatives within the framework of the city. Art Valley is exploring the combinations of smart technologies, planning, building, transport, and other utilities in a science we call Citymatics. Art Valley recognises the importance of the Gulf Area as crucial hub amongst the Arab nations. It is involved there in enabling the start-up of new projects and activities. As such it manages a programme dedicated to the production of cultural content, the opening up of new networks, and training.
The Art Valley project was launched in 2000. An inaugural international conference, ʻArt Valley. The Marketplaces of Artʼ (Art Valley. I marketplace dellʼarte) was held in November 2000 in the Palazzo Vecchioʼs ʻSalone dei Cinquecentoʼ, and at the ʻFortezza da Bassoʼ in Florence. Subsequent events were enthusiatically supported and well reviewed, underlining the effectiveness of Art Valleyʼs novel approach to the intersection of Art, culture, digital tecnologies and enterprise.Cultural and intellectual capital is an important and flourishing sector. The appreciation of Italian and European cultural capital has been the spur to launch businesses, dedicated workshops, and other initiatives.In numerous conferences Art Valley has explored the theme of fundraising: Fundraising for restoration, for sponsorship, for the PR and publicity associated with the appreciation of the Arts.