A 2020 full of satisfactions for the team: a new recognition from overseas!
CXO Fortune, a well-known Wyoming Megazine born from a large group of experts in every technological field, selects Easyray among the "10 Most Reliable Companies 2020" internationally.
Let's get to know CXO Fortune!
The CXO Fortune is a cultural-technological brokerage company led by a group of entrepreneurs, writers, designers, in short, “a group of crazy talent!”, As they define themselves. A determining factor for their intent unites them: the passion for technology and everything related to it. Whether it's the next big step in artificial intelligence or the launch of a new product, the team is always enthusiastic about technological progress and wants to share all the events and evolutions, both of The CXO Fortune and of the world, with its audience of enthusiasts. of technology. The vertical sectors they deal with range from startups to healthcare, from security (IT and otherwise) to big data, to transport, lifestyle, gadgets, software, retail and so on.
Let's face it, the Internet revolution has changed the whole world and our whole way of life. Multinationals grow and move with technologically advanced solutions in a very short time, and about a million start-ups are researching and inventing technological goodies to make our life easier. There is a huge amount of new features, updates, product launches, new ways to tackle cybersecurity problems, and it all happens within a minute. CXO Fortune, therefore, was created to inform and update us on what is happening around. In addition to keeping us abreast of everything that is happening, it also provides the most insignificant information about the people who rotate in the world of technology; follows research, products, services, etc. and how this complex of innovations is transforming the sector. Whether you are a CEO, CIO, entrepreneur, investor, technology enthusiast or just a curious soul, CXO Fortune will provide information from trusted sources to further boost your "readers".
"Our goal is to highlight you and your company for the improvement of your business, keeping you constantly updated with the latest news in the world of technology. Our vision is to keep alive our passion for the technological world and The CXO Fortune, while upholding all communication ideals to guide our clients' business, ”their experts write about them.
“The agility of the company structure guarantees an extremely fast and quality service, making Easyray the reference point for those who deal with a market that changes from time to time”, write their experts about us.
Moreover, it is well known that our company also aims at the American market and, we can say with satisfaction, that their increasingly widespread appreciation makes us think it is really possible.
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